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ChartLogix PHP Bar Graph

The BarChart class allows you to draw bar graphs and line graphs.

Creating a simple chart

Create a graph script (which will be an img src), for example - mychart.php:
  include( '' );

  $chart = new BarChart();

  $chart->setTitle( 'This is a bar chart' );

  $chart->addColumns( array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May') );

  $chart->doBarSeries( 'Sales', 'FFCC00' );
  $chart->addData( 'Jan', 191 );
  $chart->addData( 'Feb', 217 );
  $chart->addData( 'Mar', 178 );
  $chart->addData( 'Apr', 263 );
  $chart->addData( 'May', 321 );

  $chart->drawPNG( 500, 400 );
Then put an img tag in your HTML refering to the graph script:
<img src="mychart.php" width="500" height="400" />


First, you need to include the ChartLogix PHP file:
include( '' );
Then create a new BarChart object:
$chart = new BarChart();
If you want the bar chart image to contain a title you can add it using the setTitle function:
$chart->setTitle( 'This is a bar chart' );

Creating the columns

Next, create the columns for the chart. You can either add columns individually using the addColumn function:
// One column for each year
for( $i = 2000; $i <= 2007; $i++ ) $chart->addColumn( $i );
or you can pass an array of column names into the addColumns function:
// One column for each month
$chart->addColumns( array( 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May' ) );
From ChartLogix v1.04 it is no longer necessary to specify the columns before adding the data. The columns can still be added using addColumns, but if you specify data for a non-existant column that column will be added automatically.

Adding Some Data

If you want to use the default style bar chart you can simply start a data series using doBarSeries add data to the columns using the addData function.
$chart->doBarSeries( 'Sales', 'FFCC00' );
$chart->addData( 'Jan', 191 );
$chart->addData( 'Feb', 217 );
$chart->addData( 'Mar', 178 );
$chart->addData( 'Apr', 263 );
$chart->addData( 'May', 321 );
This creates a bar chart with orange bars (#FFCC00).

Displaying the image

To output an image from your PHP script, use the drawPNG function.
$chart->drawPNG( 500, 400 );
To display a CubeLogix pie chart in the web browser, you would use an img tag, and point it's src at the PHP script which creates the pie chart:
<img src="mychart.php" width="500" height="400" />

Next Steps

The Adding Data Tutorial tells you more about managing data in your bar charts.
The Function Reference Page gives you a complete list of functions which you can use to customise the deisgn of the bar graph.
The Bar Graph Designer allows you to interactively customise a bar graph and see the PHP code.
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