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ChartLogix PHP Pie Chart

Pie charts are created using the PieChart class, and it requires minimal code to create a pie chart image using the default style.

Creating a simple chart

Create a graph script (which will be an img src), for example - mychart.php:
  include( '' );
  $pie = new PieChart();
  $pie->setTitle( "ChartLogix Pie Chart" );
  $pie->addData( 'Bananas', 420, 'FFCC00' );
  $pie->addData( 'Apples', 400, '99FF00' );
  $pie->addData( 'Strawberries', 210, 'FF6666' );
  $pie->addData( 'Grapes', 350, '009900' );
  $pie->addData( 'Plums', 100, '9900CC' );
  $pie->addData( 'Others', 190, 'AAAAAA' );
  $pie->drawPNG( 500, 400 );
Then put an img tag in your HTML refering to the graph script:
<img src="mychart.php" width="500" height="400" />


First, you need to include the ChartLogix PHP file:
include( '' );
Then create a new PieChart object:
$pie = new PieChart();
If you want the pie chart image to contain a title you can add it using the setTitle function:
$pie->setTitle( 'This is a pie chart' );
To add values to the pie chart use the addData function:
$pie->addData( 'A Pie Slice', 25, 'FFFF00' );
This adds a yellow pie slice, with a value of 25. Colours are specified as hexadecimal HTML colours.
Once you have added all your data, the final step is to output an image to the Web browser:
$pie->drawPNG( 500, 400 );
You specify the width and height in pixels. The drawPNG function sets the correct Content-type in the HTTP header and outputs the image data.
To display a CubeLogix pie chart in the web browser, you would use an img tag, and point it's src at the PHP script which creates the pie chart:
<img src="mypie.php" width="500" height="400" />

Next Steps

The Examples Page contains some complete PHP scripts which generate pie charts.
The Function Reference Page gives you a complete list of functions which you can use to customise the deisgn of the pie chart.
The Pie Chart Designer allows you to interactively customise a pie chart and see the PHP code.
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